Friday, April 2, 2010

Just some thoughts

I can't really think of much bead related things to talk about today so I think that I may just type for a few minutes and see where it goes. 

I have been working on this cuff bracelet over the last week or so.  I am making it specifically to match this giant flower ring that I bought and love.  I cannot wait until it is complete.  When I have it all done I will post it on a blog for "all" to see. 

Well, my thoughts have run out, so I am going to say goodbye for today and see you all another day :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

First Post

First blog post ever, wow, so excited.

So I started this blog this afternoon because I have some jewelry things in my head and I would like to get them out.

How to make jewelry for other people...It is easier and harder than you might think. It may not be hard to create something that they will like, unless they are a stranger to you, you know what they like. You can pick the colors that you see them wearing most often, or just ask what they like. My problem is sizing. I have a bead board and a tape measure but it is still hard for me to design pieces that are not meant to fit me. I have a very small frame, not saying that I am very small, but my hands, wrists and neck are as small as, or smaller than, the average 10-12 year old girls. Therefore, if it fits me, it most likely won't fit you, and if it fits you, it just sits on my desk not being worn.

I have tried to make pieces that are adjustable, but you just can't do that with some pieces.

Jewelry making dilemma's, this isnt the only one so when I come up with more, or just want to blog about beads, I will be back.